(1)The Burmese people are now facing the most difficulties in their life time which they have never experienced. The Cyclone Nargis has killed more than 20,000 and made hundred thousands homeless. We are very saddened by the news from CNN and BBC world service detailing about this tragedy but we did not get credible news from the Burmese media.
(2)We strongly demand the Burmese military junta to give aids to the needy people as soon as possible. It is a timely important matter and people are dying under the severe weather condition.
We honestly encourage the junta to allow the foreign aid organizations to deliver directly to the cyclone victims. It is crucial time for the aid workers to meet and help the suffering people.
(3)We saw many uniform personals from army and navy and firefighters to clear the streets and debris but we warn the regime not to exploit the situation as their propaganda tools by using foreign aids as their donation toward victims. Our people are suffered tremendously and no party has the rights to exploit the situation as their tools to promote their related parties including pro-democracy groups.
(4)We condemned the regime for not inform the coming cyclone through from their media out let even though they have enough sufficient time to release storm alert. If they did it on time thousands of precious lives would not be perished like that. The regime has a sole responsibility for that tragic.
(5)On the other hand, the regime is pushing its referendum on schedule. Human rights Watch said the regime must ensure that people in the disaster-impacted regions get relief first. We totally agree the HRW’s comment and urged the Burmese authorities to help our people without using political tricks and promoting their coming referendum by giving food on that sadden time.
(6)We urged the regime to lift the red tape diplomacy to the foreign aids organization including UN and NGOs. Burmese people lives are at stake and there is no time to uplift the personal gain by using this tragedy. 800 tons of rice is waiting for the immediate distribution by the World Food Program (WFP) Thailand office. Many NGO’s and individuals donors are waiting the permission from the Burmese regime to enter Burma.
(7)We believe that there is no time for cyclone victims to think about referendum in this shocking moments and pushing referendum on schedule is a clear indication of cheating and unweaving determination to control the political power by the regime. It is a sinful and dishonest act conducted by the Burmese generals who never respect its own people, own religion and own country.
(8)After Cyclone Nargis lashed Burma gasoline price sore from 7000 Kyats (7.20 dollars/gallon) to 12,000 Kyats ($10.90) in black market, the surge of price indicates that people need urgent assistance from foreign aids and only stumbling blocks are the government regulations. We urged the SPDC regime to life all the restriction to foreign aid organizations.
(9)The regime is now admitting the need of foreign aids and allowing UNICEF and some NGOs but they blocked the reporters to get inside Burma. Burmese people and the world need to know what is happening in which region suffering most. We need credible reporters to find out what is going on in Burma and who need help most by reporting.
Contact persons: Ko Htun Aung Gyaw Tel: 630-728-4349, Ko Thet Htun Tel: 206-403-0161
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