Saturday, May 10, 2008


Dear friends

I received a letter from Myanmar Embassy London today and couldn’t believe my eyes.

There is an invite for a boat trip in the Thames River by Myanmar Association (UK).
Myanmar Association (UK) is organized and control by Myanmar Embassy in the UK.

Ticket is 10 GBP which include Mon-Hinn-Ger lunch (free) and karaoke entertainment by singer Tin Zar Maw. It said, don’t forget to can bring your favourite karaoke if you want to sing along.
By the way, I’ve heard that Ambassador U Nay Win is a keen karaoke singer.

How these people can enjoy singing in the River Cruise boat trip?

It should rather be in a boat at Bo-ga-lay and help the people, if they really like the boat.

Also, you have might already seen this news.
I forward this news just in case.


Dr. win Naing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have we got a copy of the invite and if it can be scanned, I'll be happy to process it...